Moms for Liberty Brevard Chair’s family wedding business refuses service to members of the...

Ashley Hall is the Chair of the Brevard Chapter (the original Chapter) of the national group Mom's for Liberty. Her LinkedIn profile shows that...

Randy Fine staffer Janice Crisp acquitted after live-streaming her own arrest at a Brevard...

Nearly two years after she was arrested, former Moms for Liberty member, Randy Fine staffer, former Palm Bay City Council candidate, and conservative activist...

Moms for Liberty founder Tina Descovich defends Superintendent Dr. Mullins

Yesterday was the first meeting of the new Brevard School Board after 2 Moms for Liberty backed candidates were elected. Gene Trent and Megan...

Twitter and PayPal suspend Moms for Liberty accounts

Moms for Liberty announced they were suspended from Twitter after sharing a tweet discussing a proposed California law seeking to restrict parental rights across...

Moms 4 Liberty co-founder calls for violence on the same day they are designated...

Yesterday, he Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) classified Moms for Liberty as an “anti-government extremist” group, in its latest “Year in Hate & Extremism”...

“Republicans don’t even like Rick Scott.” Is Jennifer Jenkins the Democratic candidate to defeat...

April showers have brought May national headlines for Brevard School Board Member Jennifer Jenkins. She has been a common face on both national broadcast...

Moms for Liberty quotes Adolf Hitler in their first newsletter

Moms for Liberty just recently made headlines when they were labeled as a national "extremist group" by civil rights group, Southern Poverty Law Center...

Moms for Liberty founder’s 3-some partner FL GOP’s Chair sexual encounter lasted less than...

The newly disclosed records include a video transcript that plays a critical role in debunking allegations of rape against Christian Ziegler, although they also...

DeSantis appoints Moms for Liberty founder Tina Descovich to Florida Ethics Commission

Gov. Ron DeSantis Appoints Tina Descovich to Florida Ethics Commission Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has appointed Tina Descovich, a polarizing figure from an organization labeled...

School Board Chair determines Webster’s Dictionary obscene; stops citizen from reading it

At tonight's Brevard County school board meeting, an unexpected and somewhat surreal scene unfolded. A local resident, Gregory Ross, determined to draw attention to...