HomeDesantisHead of Florida's Election Crimes laid dying in Governor's hallway 24 minutes...

Head of Florida’s Election Crimes laid dying in Governor’s hallway 24 minutes before anyone noticed

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In a startling revelation, the Florida Bulldog has uncovered the tragic circumstances surrounding the death of Peter Antonacci, the Director of Florida’s Office of Election Crimes and Security. Antonacci, a pivotal figure in Florida politics, collapsed and died in a hallway of the governor’s office on September 23, 2022, following a contentious meeting, allegedly after arguing with Governor DeSantis. What is most shocking, however, is that he lay there for 24 minutes before being noticed, raising serious questions about the oversight and emergency response protocols in one of the state’s most secure buildings.

The Unseen Tragedy

Peter Antonacci, aged 74, was a key player in Florida’s political landscape, having served under both Republican and Democratic administrations in various capacities. His sudden collapse and death occurred moments after he abruptly left a meeting in the governor’s office. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) records, obtained by the Florida Bulldog, reveal a disturbing timeline of events that day. (the entire FDLE report is below)

A Delayed Discovery

The records indicate that Antonacci lay on the floor, dead or dying, for over 20 minutes before anyone noticed. Surveillance footage, which captured the incident without audio, shows Antonacci staggering and then collapsing in the hallway. Despite the real-time video surveillance, it took nearly a quarter of an hour for any response.

The Response and Questions Raised

When Capitol police finally arrived, they found Antonacci pulseless and initiated CPR, but it was too late. The automated external defibrillator (AED) advised that no shock was needed, indicating the grim reality of his condition. This delay in discovery and response has led to questions about whether quicker action could have saved Antonacci.

The Meeting and Its Aftermath

The meeting Antonacci attended, part of the governor’s initiative to maintain “election integrity,” included several high-profile attendees. However, the FDLE reports do not disclose the meeting’s agenda or the specifics of the discussion. The lack of transparency and the redaction of key details in the released reports have only added to the mystery and concern surrounding the incident.

A Career of Service and Controversy

Antonacci’s career was marked by his roles as a political “Mr. Fix-It.” Appointed by Gov. Ron DeSantis in July 2022, he was the first director of the Office of Election Crimes and Security. His sudden death, in the very office he served, underscores the unpredictable nature of life and the often unseen pressures of high-stakes political environments.

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The untimely death of Peter Antonacci in the governor’s office, and the subsequent delay in his discovery and aid, is a tragic episode that raises many questions. It highlights the need for better emergency protocols in government buildings and calls for greater transparency in the aftermath of such incidents. As Florida continues to grapple with the implications of this event, one can only hope that it leads to changes that prevent such oversights in the future.


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