Long-time West Melbourne Mayor Hal Rose is retiring according to an email he sent on August 6th to the city council. Rose has been the Mayor of West Melbourne since 2007. Rose’s current term was to end in 2024, however, according to his email, he plans on resigning October 3, 2023 which will be his last meeting.
West Melbourne Mayor Hal Rose announces resignation/retirement
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Mayor Rose just recently applied for the appointment to fill the vacancy of the District 5 seat on the Brevard County Commission which became vacant when Commissioner Zonka stepped down to lead the Department of Health. Rose was not selected for the appointment by the Governor’s office. Lobbyist Jason Steele was appointed to serve for the remainder of her term.
In his letter, Rose stated he has moved from West Melbourne to Viera to be closer to family, but is maintaining a lease in West Melbourne to remain eligible to continue to meet the residential qualifications as Mayor.
According to the City’s Charter, when a vacancy in the office of mayor occurs ninety (90) days or more prior to the next generally scheduled city council election, the council shall appoint a mayor from among its members to serve until the next regularly scheduled city council election, at which time a person shall be elected to office for a term of four (4) years.
Currently 2 city council members have filed to run for the Mayor’s position in 2024; Andrea Young and Stephen Phrampus. Councilman John Dittmore is currently running for Brevard County Commissioner District 3, and Councilman Dan McDow is running the Democratic nomination to face Congress Bill Posey.
Mayor Rose’s email is below.