HomeBrevard County CommissionBryan LoberSeventh Person Tests Positive for Covid-19 In Brevard

Seventh Person Tests Positive for Covid-19 In Brevard

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According to the Florida Department of Health’s Sunday report, Brevard County has it’s 7th positive test for Covid-19 virus.

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Positive tests for COVID-19 for Florida statewide went from 763 confirmed cases Saturday to 1,007 Sunday. A total of 11,270 people across the state have been tested, according to the state report, and 933 results are still pending.

Of the positive cases in Florida, 13 have resulted in fatalities.

The confirmed cases in Brevard include four men and three women, four travel-related and three not travel-related. Those who tested positive range in age from 32 to 76. 

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Local residents have expressed concern for the lack of communication from County officials. To date, there has not been a single official press conference from Brevard County, one of the largest in the State. Neighboring counties like Orange have had several major press conferences updating citizens on information and services/assistance available as things progress.

Brevard County Chair Commissioner Bryan Lober who is also the chair of the Policy Board has only released information through a local online magazine website/Facebook page. Press releases from Brevard have been few and far between with the website’s press release section going down several times.

Information to the City Mayors has also been limited. Several have expressed concern as the location of positive cases is not being disseminated as it has been in other areas. According to at least 4 Mayors contacted in Brevard County today, they are not on the distribution list from the Emergency Operations Center which is charged with providing updates and developments.

Residents are demanding answers and are having to rely on sources outside of the County to get them. Some elected officials have been providing updates on their personal Facebook pages which has added to the confusion. Conflicting and confusing information, not consistent with that of other official sites has added to the frustration.

One Viera resident states, “this is a complete communication failure by Commissioner Lober, and his competence to facilitate this position should be called to question at this point. No one has heard from him or his representatives in days.”

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