HomeBrevard Public SchoolsScholastic's Bold Move Against Book Banning: A Pledge to Protect Diverse Narratives

Scholastic’s Bold Move Against Book Banning: A Pledge to Protect Diverse Narratives

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Scholastic offered school book fairs the option of its regular, inclusive selection of books, or a restricted selection for anti-diversity parents.

In a recent statement, Ellie Berger, President of Scholastic Trade Publishing, addressed the concerns surrounding the Book Fairs Share Every Story/Celebrate Every Voice case. The statement served as an apology and clarification regarding the company’s decision to segregate diverse books in an elective case.

The Apology

Berger began by expressing her sincere apologies on behalf of Scholastic. She acknowledged that even if the decision was made with good intentions, it was a mistake to segregate diverse books. The company understands the pain and disappointment caused by this action to authors, illustrators, licensors, educators, librarians, parents, readers, and other stakeholders. Berger emphasized that Scholastic recognizes the trust they have broken within the publishing community and their broader audience. She stated that the company is now focused on regaining that trust.

Immediate Actions

Scholastic has decided to discontinue the controversial case starting from their next season in January. For the ongoing fairs this fall, the company is actively working on a pivot plan. The primary goal is to find an alternative method to distribute a broader range of books to children. Berger reassured that Scholastic remains committed to the books in the controversial collection and will continue to support their sale across all distribution channels.

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Commitment to Diversity

Berger emphasized Scholastic’s unwavering commitment to BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ authors and stories. The company firmly believes in the fundamental freedoms of all individuals and opposes any form of discrimination, whether based on age, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, or national origin. Scholastic’s mission revolves around providing access and choice to young readers, helping them develop critical skills essential for a democratic society free from prejudice and hate.

Furthermore, Scholastic pledges to combat laws that restrict children’s access to books. The company stands in solidarity with all stakeholders in this endeavor.

Looking Forward

Berger concluded the statement by expressing Scholastic’s eagerness to work collaboratively towards a more inclusive and just future. She assured that this would not be the last communication on the matter and that the company is dedicated to continuous dialogue and action.

In these times, when the importance of representation and inclusivity is more pronounced than ever, Scholastic’s acknowledgment of its missteps and its commitment to rectify them is a significant step towards a more inclusive literary world.

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