Home2024 CampaignRepresentative Tyler Sirois surrenders to Randy Fine, backs out of Senate race

Representative Tyler Sirois surrenders to Randy Fine, backs out of Senate race

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Since the end of last year’s election, State Representative Tyler Sirois has been expressing his intention to run for Senator Debbie Mayfield’s seat in 2024. Senator Mayfield has termed out. It was widely known that Representative Randy Fine would be campaigning for the same seat.

After Fine announced a few weeks ago, Sirois was quoted by the Florida Today that he was still strongly considering a run. However, conversations he had with those close to him were centered around his fear of running against Fine who is known for relentless personal attacks on his opponents and their families and acquaintances. Fine has no problem sending out defamatory and false information to the mailboxes and cell phones of voters in order to progress.

It would certainly be a fight, and it appears Sirois decided it wasn’t worth it. Despite encouragement from many leaders in the Republican party and the community, Sirois has decided to stay put I. His comfortable seat where he’s unlikely to have a Republican challenger, and the numbers make nearly impossible for a democrat to win.

“For the past few weeks I have given serious consideration to running for the Florida Senate in 2024. While I appreciate the encouragement of my family and friends, I have decided the best course for me is to continue as a member of the Florida House of Representatives. As I stand for reelection to my next term in the House, I remain focused on expanding vocational and technical training opportunities for students, cleaning up the Indian River Lagoon, and supporting our law enforcement and veterans.

On behalf of my constituents, I want to express my gratitude to Senator Debbie Mayfield for her many years of true and dedicated public service as she nears the end of her term. I look forward to the work ahead and serving under the leadership of Speaker Paul Renner and Chairman Danny Perez as a member of the Florida House of Representatives.”
Tyler Sirois

As of now, there is only one other potential candidate to run against Fine in the primary that has the funds and network it would take to take on Fine, who has a heavy war chest of special interest groups all over the country backing him.

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Fine has been posting endorsements on his social media, but what more voters should pay attention to is not just who is endorsing him, but who is not.

Stay tuned.

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