Mom leaves 8 month and 2 year old in car while in bar
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Mom Leaves Children in a Car While in the Bar
On October 22, 2023 a West Melbourne Officer was conducting a routine business patrol in the parking lot of Penny Annie’s Bar on Minton Rd. He noticed a black SUV parked behind the business. The officer took a closer look and discovered a 2-year-old and an 8-month-old baby asleep in the backseat. The doors to the vehicle were unlocked and the vehicle was running. The registered owner, 33-year-old Jamie Leigh Gunn of West Melbourne was located inside the bar visiting with a friend. The investigation revealed she had been inside the establishment for at least 20 minutes while having no regard for her children who were left unattended.
When Gunn learned law enforcement was outside with her vehicle, she was more concerned about going to jail, than the welfare of her children. Gunn was placed under arrest and charged with child neglect and was taken to the Brevard County Jail with a $15,000 bond. The children were turned over to a family member and the Department of Children and Families was notified to conducted a follow-up investigation.
Gunn has a criminal history consisting of contempt of court, forgery, shooting a deadly missile into an unoccupied dwelling, structure or vehicle, possession of drug paraphernalia, and driving while license suspended.