HomeCovid-19Florida Tech makes immediate change to mask policy on campus

Florida Tech makes immediate change to mask policy on campus

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Update On Face Covering Policy: 7/28/2021

In light of the latest guidance from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the recent surge in positive cases and hospitalizations in Brevard County, Florida Tech is reinstating its policy for the wearing of face coverings while indoors on campus.

Effective tomorrow (July 29, 2021), faculty, staff and students will be required to wear a face covering while indoors on campus where social distancing cannot be observed. This policy applies regardless of vaccination status.

All other current protocols remain in place. Florida Tech will continue to monitor local conditions and as always will adjust protocols and procedures accordingly.

Departments, colleges and individual faculty or staff members are reminded that they are not permitted to mandate practices that are inconsistent with university policy. 

Florida Tech’s desire and efforts to vaccinate the campus community are an integral part of mitigating the spread of COVID-19 and its variants. The need for our campus community to be vaccinated is more important now than ever, as the overwhelming number of positive cases and hospitalizations are occurring within the unvaccinated population.

We strongly encourage COVID-19 vaccinations for all in our campus community. Vaccines are readily available from local health care providers and pharmacies. In addition, the Office of Student Wellness will be offering a second COVID-19 vaccination drive on campus Thursday, Aug. 26. Please RSVP here for this event.

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As always, we thank you for you your continued support and cooperation.

Go Panthers! 

Bino Campanini, SVP
Chair, Florida Tech Pandemic Response Team

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