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Feud Escalates Between Rep. Tom Leek and John Morgan: Morgan Challenges Leek to a Lie Detector Test

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TALLAHASSEE, FL— In a fiery escalation of the ongoing feud between Republican Rep. Tom Leek and Orlando lawyer John Morgan, the latter has thrown down a provocative challenge. Morgan, often dubbed “Pot Daddy” due to his advocacy for marijuana legalization, has called out Leek, labeling him a “Rhino” and accusing him of getting rich at the expense of Florida homeowners.

In a recent tweet, Morgan addressed allegations stemming from an advertisement by Leek’s political committee, Friends of Tom Leek, which Morgan claims attacked him indirectly. Morgan responded vehemently, asserting that Leek’s actions were deceitful and challenging him to take a polygraph test to prove his honesty.

“This is a lie… Rhino Tom Leek got rich on the backs of Florida Homeowners,” Morgan tweeted, further alleging that President Trump had previously implored Leek to reconsider his stance. Morgan also implicated Jeff Porter with the Florida Justice Association (FJA) in the matter, suggesting that Leek had specifically targeted him by name.


Morgan’s tweet continued with an ultimatum: “If Mr. Leek cares to take a polygraph, I will pay for it and then donate $100K to his campaign if he passes…. he won’t. If he fails, he should drop out of the race. We have enough liars in Tallahassee as it is.”

Leek’s team has maintained that their advertisements did not target Morgan directly. Christina Johnson, Leek’s spokesperson, clarified that the ad was meant to reference “The Truth Matters” political committee, which launched an anti-Leek website. Johnson emphasized that neither Morgan nor his associates were mentioned in any of their media.

Despite these clarifications, Morgan remains unconvinced. In an explicit post on social media, he accused Leek of attacking him as part of his Senate run strategy, stating, “Rep. Tom Leek AKA Tom Leech has begun to attack me as he gears up for a Senate run… You kicked the wrong dog for no reason. This dog bites.”

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