Home2020 CampaignElection Result Predictions

Election Result Predictions

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The Space Coast Rocket Election Day Predictions

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We made these predictions based off of the best information available to us to include voter registration numbers, historical turnout and results, polling, and campaign information. If there is not a % listed, it is because we did not have enough information to predict a specific percentage, or the race allowed for more than one vote per seat.

We did not comment on races we did not have information on. Districts that exceed the County’s borders have predictions that only reflect how we think voters in the County will vote; not the results of the race overall.

Polls close this evening at 7pm and typically results for mail ballots and early voting are published within the first 5 minutes. It is unlikely that a change of greater than 5% from early results will happen on election day.

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Total County Voter Turnout: 80%

President (County Numbers): Trump 55% Biden 42%

Congress FL8 (County Numbers):  Posey 55% Kennedy 45%

Sheriff: Ivey 61% Edmond 39%

State Senator 17: Mayfield 57% Fretwell 25% Snyder 18%

State Rep 50: Plasencia 59% Yoakum 41%

State Rep 51: Sirois 59% Majid 41%

State Rep 52: Altman 58% Dabbs 42%

State Rep 53: Fine 51% Moore 48% Write-in 1%

County Commission 1: Pritchett 65% Seigler 35%

County Commission 3: Tobia 54% Patel 46%

County Commission 5: Isnardi 53% Capote 47%

Cocoa Mayor: Williams 28% Blake 22% Parish 21% Harvey 19% Cowart 10%

Cocoa City Council 2: Hearn 66% Moretto 34%

Indialantic Mayor: Berkman

Melbourne Mayor: Johnson 37% Alfrey 36% Buggs 19% Tasker 8%

Melbourne Council 1: Thomas 54% Paterakis 46%

Melbourne Council 3: Minus 46% Neuman 43% Negron 11%

Melbourne Council 5: Luse Nazario Lamb Hanley

Palm Bay Mayor: Medina 51% Maragh 49%

Palm Bay Seat 2: Felix 52% Filiberto 48%

Palm Bay Seat 3: Foster 55% Gaume 45%

Satellite Beach Mayor: Osmer 58% Rivera 42%

Satellite Beach 2: Gibson, Gelbert (top 2) 

Titusville Council 2: Stoeckel

West Melbourne Council: McDow, Grigajtis, Bentley (top 3)

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