Home2020 CampaignBUSTED: Fine gets caught lying about mailer hit-piece on Adkins

BUSTED: Fine gets caught lying about mailer hit-piece on Adkins

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Yesterday, thousands of Republican voters received a political mail piece claim Dr. Marcie Adkins was a socialist Democrat, who hates Donald Trump.

Fine claimed to have nothing to do with the mailer and stated “I got one too.” However his campaign finances for his PAC Friends of Randy Fine tells a different story.

On August 6, the day after he got out of the hospital, finance reports show that he gave $20,000 to the PAC that is listed on the mailer in the disclaimer.

So while Fine publicly states he has no affiliation with the PAC, according to his own financial reports, he has at least 20,000 affiliations with them.

The intent was to make it look like Marcie Adkins herself sent out the mailers to convince voters that she is a socialist. But that couldnt be further from the truth.

In response, Dr. Adkins published a blog showing her long time commitment to the President, and showing her voter registration card from 1999 as a Republican.

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She also published an email from the Brevard County Supervisor of Elections to her campaign manager Robert Burns, showing that since registering as a Republican in 1999, she has only been a Republican ever since. She also published her voting record which shows she has voted in every single primary and general election since then. Compared to Fine who has only voted in 83% of primary elections since registering in 2007.

If that weren’t enough of deception from fine, last night, thousands of voters received an illegal robocall from Joe Gruters who is the Chair off the Republican Party of Florida, and good friend of Fine, making the same accusations. The disclaimer at the end of the call stated it was paid for and approved by Randy Fine.

Fine’s consultant says he believes in negative ads because they just work. At 7pm today he will see how much they worked, as voters on social media complained in masses of the tactics employed by Fine.

Fine continually states he’s not worried about Dr. Adkins and she’s irrelevant despite spending twice as much as every other Brevard County Rep combined, and about the same amount as US Congressman Bill Posey. Between himself and his PACs, nearly $300k have been spent trying to defeat his opponent.

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