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Brevard Senator Tom Wright trespassed from Domestic Violence shelter after “aggressively touching” woman

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Florida state Sen. Tom Wright has been reported to have had an altercation with a female worker at a domestic violence shelter, based on an incident report from the Daytona Beach Police Department. However, the details of the encounter vary depending on the perspective.

As women survivors of domestic violence and their children were preparing for a field trip on a school bus, Wright was touring the facility with state employees and counselors from the Department of Children and Families. As Wright approached the bus, a woman from the shelter addressed him. “Excuse me, sir. You may not board the bus full of survivors and children,” she commented, emphasizing the importance of safety and confidentiality for those on board.

Though Wright clarified that he had no intentions of boarding the bus or conversing with the survivors, and simply wanted to talk to the bus driver, the situation escalated. The shelter worker claimed Wright acted in “an aggressive manner” and grabbed her shoulder. She responded with, “Do not put your hands on me,” and indicated that he made multiple intimidating advances towards her, prompting another employee to step in.

The police later issued a trespass warning, barring Wright from returning to the property. Another individual present during the incident said they saw Wright move towards the bus, but didn’t witness any physical contact. They did note, however, that the senator appeared confrontational and did not try to calm the situation.

By the time police arrived at the scene, Wright had left. They eventually located him at a nearby store. The senator’s recount of the incident is that he was trying to communicate his intentions of not getting on the bus to the woman, but she was shouting at him. To clarify he wasn’t boarding, he said he placed a hand on her shoulder, which led to her warning him not to touch her.

Another onlooker corroborated Wright’s statement, confirming they saw him put a hand on the woman’s shoulder to convey he wasn’t boarding the bus. Despite the allegations of “aggressive” behavior by Wright, the shelter worker declined medical assistance and opted not to provide a photo of her shoulder, citing no apparent injuries. The case is currently under review.

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