Press Release Commissioner John Tobia, District 3
Press Release: Brevard County Property Appraiser Ignores State Statute at the Expense of Transparency
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Brevard County, FL. — Republican Property Appraiser Dana Blickley violated state statute by failing to supply the Brevard County Board of County Commissioners with her office’s complete FY2023-24 budget request as Florida State Statute 195.087 (1)(a) requires. “The property appraiser shall submit his or her budget in the manner and form required by the department. A copy of such budget shall be furnished at the same time to the board of county commissioners.”
At the Special Meeting of the Brevard County Board of County Commissioners on June 28, 2023, the property appraiser acknowledged sending the complete FY2023-24 budget request to the Department of Revenue according to their requirements but withholding documentation from the Board of County Commissioners.
These documents include, but are not limited to, employee travel details, postage, total number of mailings, education, workshops and conferences, vehicle inventory, data processing purchases, and reduction request justifications. Similar documentation was also withheld during the FY2022-23 and FY 2021-22 budget request submissions.
Property Appraiser Blickley committed to providing these documents to the Board of Commissioners at the Special Meeting on June 28, 2023 but, as of this release, my office has yet to receive them. If the documents have not been received by Friday, June 30, 2023, 48 hours after the close of the Special Meeting, I will formally file a report with the Governor’s office outlining the property appraiser’s neglect of duty, as per Article IV, SECTION 7(a) of the Florida Constitution.