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Anesthetist Filmed Putting His Penis in Pregnant Woman’s Mouth After Heavily Sedating Her During C-Section [VIDEO]

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A Brazilian anaesthetist has been arrested after he was filmed raping a pregnant woman during a C-section.

Giovanni Quintella Bezerra, 32, was arrested on Monday on suspicion of rape after he was secretly filmed putting his penis in the woman’s mouth after he heavily sedated her at the Hospital da Mulher in São João de Meriti, Rio de Janeiro.

Bezerra, only completed his medical training in anaesthesia two months ago, raised concerns after hospital staff became worried about the amount of drugs he was giving to his patients so fitted a secret camera to see what he was up to before a C-section surgery on a woman due for delivery.

What they found on the video footage horrified them. Bezerra was seen sexually assaulting the woman by putting his penis in her mouth as other doctors performing the C-section on her just a few metres away on the other side of the surgical curtain.

In the video, the patient is lying on the hospital bed, unconscious. On the left side of the sheet, the hospital’s surgical team is performing the cesarean section. Meanwhile, on the right side of the sheet, Giovanni can be seen unzipping his pants, pulling his penis out and insering it into the pregnant woman’s mouth.

When he’s done, he wipes the patient’s mouth with a tissue to erase evidence of the crime. The alleged assault, which took place on Sunday, reportedly went on for ten minutes after Bezzera waited for the woman’s companion to leave the room with the newborn child. Watch the video clip below:

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Another Victim’s Husband Says Bezerra Asked Him to Leave Operating Theatre

According to local news outlet Globo, the husband of one of the anaesthetist’s victims said he was taken out of the operating room by Bezerra during the birth of his son. “The guy who gives anesthesia told me to leave halfway through. I hadn’t even seen the child and my wife had already slept,” said the husband, who recognized the doctor after seeing his face on the television.

Another family of an alleged victim of Giovanni also approached the authorities to report the health professional. The woman’s daughter delivered with Giovanni as an anaesthetist on the 6th of July, according to the local outlet.

Giovanni Quintella Bezerra
Giovanni Quintella Bezerra Twitter

Clovis Bersot Munhoz , president of Cremerj Clovis Bersot Munhoz said the alleged attack was “absurd.”

The Health Foundation of the State of Rio de Janeiro and the Secretary of State for Health released the following statement: “We inform you that an internal investigation will be opened to take administrative measures. The Hospital da Mulher team is providing full support to the victim and her family.”

“This behaviour constitutes a crime, which must be punished in accordance with the legislation in force,” the statement continued. “Police are investigating whether the anaesthetist has other victims and praised hospital workers for noticing his odd behaviour.”

If convicted of the charge, Bezzera faces from 8 to 15 years in prison.

By Manthan C.

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