(Updated 10/20/24 6:37pm: included statement from Matt Susin)
The Brevard Federated Republican Women (BFRW) are drawing stark criticism after circulating a phone survey that appears to weaponize racial and political undertones in the ongoing Brevard County School Board District 4 election. The survey, as highlighted in a leaked email, paints a Black female candidate, Dr. Avanese Taylor, in a negative light, emphasizing her race, military background, and advanced education, seemingly to rally their base and preserve the seat for incumbent Republican Matt Susin.

The email from the BFRW states that “Brevard Dems are determined to take away our School Board District 4 seat” and proceeds to describe Dr. Taylor as “a candidate of black female, with military background and a doctor (sic) degree.” Dr. Taylor has a PhD in psychology and a Masters in counseling which we aren’t sure why or how could be seen as a negative qualification as seems to be implied by the email.
The email adds that Dr. Taylor has claimed her son is a “victim” of the local schools, a reference likely tied to her personal connection to the high-profile Viera High School football hazing incident her son was the victim of as seen in the viral videos from the locker room. It further warns that “Republicans may lose School Board D4 seat if we don’t get our message out.” The incident was grossly mishandled by then School Board Chair Matt Susin, who Dr. Taylor is running against.
Dr. Taylor responded publicly on her campaign’s social media, condemning the BFRW’s actions, calling it the “darker side of politics” that casts a shadow over the community. She pointed out that she did not bring race into the campaign, but that others had made it a political issue. Dr. Taylor is a Navy veteran with 18 years of active-duty service and a strong record of commitment to Brevard County. “I’ve never shied away from who I am,” she said, “and I stand on my record of service and commitment to this community.” Despite what happened to her son at Viera High and the comments Matt Susin made toward her and her family during that time, Dr. Taylor has, who’s endorsed by Educated We Stand, centered her campaign on addressing the policies, or lack thereof, that enabled such incidents to occur.
Her opponent, Matt Susin has not responded to the attacks on behalf of his campaign. Susin was surprisingly endorsed by Moms for Liberty this year in-spite of making salacious comments about one of the founding members Tiffany Justice who was an Indian River County School Board member at the time, claiming she made sexual advances towards him in a hotel at a conference. Tina Descovich, a founding member of Moms for Liberty and former school board member who served alongside Matt Susin before being defeated by Jennifer Jenkins, was outraged by Susin’s inappropriate sexual remarks toward Justice. Ironically, shortly after those comments became public, Bridgette Ziegler, the third founding member of Moms for Liberty, was publicly exposed for engaging in threesomes with her husband, then Florida GOP Chair Christian Ziegler, after one of the women they were involved with accused him of rape. Susin also made similar comments in reference to Monique Miller, also a Moms for Liberty leader, referring to her body in a very specific sexual manner which we will not repeat. When asked about his comments about these women, Susin would not admit or deny them.
Despite those comments, Susin, being the only Republican running in the District 4 race was endorsed by Moms for Liberty after a debate hosted by Tina Descovich. His answers during the debate focused on “fixing” the issues with the school district that he’s been a part of for 8 years now. However, text messages sent to us between him and an associate reveal even he wasn’t expecting the endorsement. He also made similar comments that echo the same race related language in the BFRW email.
The text messages appear to have credibility as although Moms for Liberty did choose to endorse Susin, he chose not to list the endorsement on either his website or Facebook campaign page. Matt Susin denies sending messages. We are told by the same person who sent us the text messages that Susin chose not to publicize the endorsement because of the recent landslide of defeats Moms for Liberty endorsed candidates have suffered of late.
A sworn deposition earlier this year revealed Susin made similar comments towards School Board Member Jennifer Jenkins, commenting on her body and what he’d like to do to her. Some Republican women were so disturbed by the comments, they spoke about it publicly at a school board meeting.
This incident highlights an increasing use of divisive tactics in local elections, where personal attacks and identity politics overshadow discussions about the issues facing Brevard’s school system. Dr. Taylor, with her background in service and leadership, has focused her campaign on transparency and positive changes for Brevard’s school board, while her opponents seem more focused on rallying their base with fear of losing control.
Notably, the board will remain a Republican majority regardless of what happens in the District 4 race. Members, Megan Wright, Gene Trent, Kayte Campbell, and incoming board member John Thomas are all Republicans. Even if Dr. Taylor wins, there will be 4 Republicans to 1 Democrat on the board. Jennifer Jenkins, the only Democrat on the board is not seeking reelection.
In fact, Matt Susin didn’t become a Republican himself until he ran for office as a Democrat and lost, then registered as a Republican to run again because the district is a majority Republican.
The November election between Dr. Taylor and Matt Susin is now being framed as a pivotal race, with both candidates offering starkly different visions for the future of Brevard County’s schools. However, with the latest developments, the race has become a battleground not only of educational policy but also of race, political strategy, and community values.
As the election day approaches, the actions of groups like the Brevard Federated Republican Women may come under further scrutiny, particularly regarding the role that racially charged messaging plays in shaping voter perceptions and the integrity of local elections.