Moms for Liberty just recently made headlines when they were labeled as a national “extremist group” by civil rights group, Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). This came just days after one of their members and speakers called for the public execution of President Joe Biden.

Moms for Liberty co-founder Tina Descovich stated it was ridiculous that their group was listed right next to actual white supremacist groups on the SPLC’s list. The same day, Tiffany Justice, another co-founder, called for violence referring to it as “dad energy” at local pride protests. She stated it, “effective and necessary.”
But after complaining about being listed next to white supremacists, the Moms for Liberty Hamilton County chapter released their very first newsletter “The Parent Brigade” headlining it with a quote from none other than Adolf Hitler. They literally published their logo, next to the ultimate white supremacist in their very own newsletter.
Right underneath printing “Parent Advocacy through Unifying, Educating and Empowering…” they printed “He alone, who OWNS the you, GAINS the future” and cited Adolf Hitler.

We reached out to Moms for Liberty to ask for some insight on the thought process of choosing to highlight this specific quote from arguably the most divisive figure in human history, but have not yet received a response. Right below Hitler’s quote is Tina’s “Moms for Liberty will not be be intimidated by hate groups!”
After immediate and obvious backlash, they edited their news letter by adding a “context” blurb underneath the quote where they concede that Hitler was “a horrific leader.” But, “If the government has control over our children today, they control our country’s future. We The People must be vigilant and protect children from an overreaching government” they went on to say.
In other words, yes he’s bad, but we still like what he said. There are an infinite supply of historic quotes that could have been chosen from an endless supply of authors who did not try to eradicate an entire race of people, but for untold reasons, Hitler was the go to.
Perhaps it may have been better to quote Herbert Hoover who said, ‘Children are our most valuable resource.'”
Just yesterday on the Moms for Liberty Twitter page, they tweeted that Jewish leaders were criticizing the SPLC for labeling Moms for Liberty as extremists. One can’t help but wonder what those same Jewish leaders would say to their decision to quote the man who nearly wiped them from existence…then defend doing so.
UPDATE: Right after the publishing of this article, Moms for Liberty responded to the original outlet that broke the story in a Tweet. They stated, “Everyone knows Hitler is bad” and that “The chapter shouldn’t have quoted Hitler without condemning him at the same time.”
We think that maybe it should have just said, “We shouldn’t have quoted Hitler” because clearly everyone doesn’t know that Hitler is bad given the large group of Nazis that were just gathered at the entrance to Disney World last weekend.
UPDATE 2: They have now updated their newsletter with the following statement.